Re: [css-figures] how do float:bottom elements stack?

On 11/20/13 12:59 PM, "Håkon Wium Lie" <> wrote:

>Alan Stearns wrote:
> > Thanks for adding stacking text to the definition of top/bottom
>floats. I
> > think the text currently in the spec contradicts your intended result,
> > though:
> > 
> > ---
> > If other page floats have already taken the bottom position,
> > the float is stacked underneath
>Yes. Editing as we speak. Corrected, thanks.
> > When a page float is floated to the top or bottom of a column, it is
> > moved as high as possible in that column.
> > ---
> > 
> > Should this say 'as high or as low as possible'?
>This text is now deleted.
> > And the following sentence is cut off:
> > 
> > ---
> > Other floats may already have occupied the requested position,
> > in which case the floats may be stacked in the
> > ---
> > 
> > I expect this sentence was going to answer my next question, which was
> > top/bottom floats interact with left/right floats. If a top float does
> > take up the width of the column and would fit next to a left float
> > occupying the highest position in the column, does it stack to the
> > of the left float, or below?
>I'd say it goes above. To honor 'top' it should go on top; one can
>still honor 'left' even if the element is not at the top of the

Stacking the top float to the right of the left float still honors 'top' -
it just isn't going into the 'top left' spot. I suppose you could define
top and bottom floats as reducing the height of the column, such that left
and right floats will never be placed above the bottom edge of a top
float, or below the top edge of a bottom float.

>The interaction between all the various values on float is part of
>what I'm trying to figure by analyzing the current implementations.
>It's certainly possible to combine top/bottom with left/right, but I'm
>unsure if we should prescribe this behaviour.

Describing current implementations is a useful thing to do. If they
already have agreement on how the different float values interact, then I
think that should go into the spec so that new implementations can be sure
to match current behavior. If they don't have agreement then I think it's
even more important to specify the correct way to lay out all of the
floats together. I don't think it makes sense from an authoring
perspective to allow differences here ("You can use left/right floats *or*
top/bottom floats, but not all at once if you want interoperable



Received on Wednesday, 20 November 2013 22:06:30 UTC