Re: [css-page] positioning of crop marks

On 11/16/13 6:30 PM, "Cramer, Dave" <<>> wrote:

On 11/16/13 8:47 AM, "James Clark" <<>> wrote:

On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 1:02 AM, Cramer, Dave <<>> wrote:

So, I would propose adding three properties to css3-page, in addition to bleed and marks:

Name: mark-offset

I would suggest that you don't use the term 'mark' without qualifying it in some way (e.g. printer/trim/crop). At the character/glyph level 'mark' has another very-well established meaning (combining marks).


Thank you for bringing this up. I would propose printer-mark-offset since we're not currently doing separate values for crop vs cross marks.

On second thought, given these values only operate inside @page rules, I think the possibility of confusion is minimal. The name "marks" has a long history in this context (including the original CSS2 spec), and is used in existing implementations.



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Received on Sunday, 17 November 2013 08:35:10 UTC