Re: [CSS21] Minor error in anonymous inline boxes example

On 11/01/2013 04:04, fantasai wrote:
> Alexander Shpack points out that in
>    # The box for "emphasized" is an inline box generated by an inline
>    # element (<em>), but the other boxes ("Some" and "text") are inline
>    # boxes generated by a block-level element (<p>).
> the quoted text should be "Some " and " text", not "Some" and "text".
> (Notice the white space.)

This one's already on the radar.[1]  I'll make sure it gets filed — 
although note that nothing in the spec directly implies what 
box-generation behaviour happens in this case apart from this example 
itself.  (At this depth, there are a number of problems with the 
treatment of the inline formatting model as regards white space and box 
generation, such as those described in the post referenced inside [1].)

Anton Prowse

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 16:41:42 UTC