[mediaqueries4] - Pointer size/accuracy


Querying for pointer can be very usable. But it is not exact enough for

When I use an android mobile with a resolution higher the 400dpi I can draw
many things on the view port. But it will not be very usable for the user.
His pointer is in real live about 1cm2 and on the viewport over 150px. On a
desktop|notebook I have a small resolution (like 1280px or 1024px) but a
very exact pointer. I can click on a 5x5 pixel field...

For accessibility reasons it can be also good to know, how exact a user can
click. Some people can not hit small fields at all. Other must hard try to
do it.

For smartphones we can get a solution like zoom-in on ambiguous clicks
(like in chorme). But we must click two times. Real good responsive design
should be able to scale the size of action fields based on pointer size

My submission is: to use (alternatively) numerical values to recognize how
exact a user can click.

Best regards


Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 12:20:02 UTC