Re: [css3-writing-modes] before/after terminology alternative?

On Mon, May 28, 2012 at 6:22 AM, Christoph Päper
<> wrote:
> fantasai (2012-05-01):
>> We're pretty settled on start/end for the logical inline directions,
>> but most people aren't that thrilled with before/after for the logical
>> block directions. Someone suggested head/tail as an alternative.
>  – ‘initial’ / ‘final’
>  – ‘begin’ / ‘stop’
>  – ‘head’ / ‘foot’
>  – ‘ceil’ / ‘floor’

'head' / 'foot' actually makes some sense to me, as it corresponds to
the directions of the header/footer in a document.  That's
writing-mode dependent, and easy to explain.  (Plus, it always makes
me strangely happy when keyword pairs are the same length.)


Received on Monday, 28 May 2012 15:43:43 UTC