Re: [css3-fonts][cssom] Load events for webfonts?

Le 25/05/12 02:26, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :

> Preferably, it would be fired at the @font-face rule in the CSSOM, so
> you don't have to go to any particular effort to figure out which font
> it was.  If you do something more general like firing it at document,
> you have to provide all the descriptors so you can distinguish
> separate rules.
> Thoughts?

Yes, load events on fonts are IMHO absolutely needed. Not only for the
reasons you gave but also because some web sites want to know
precisely if the rendering the user gets is the one they designed. An
error event of a font is important information.

What about the event target? How will you add the event
listener? Doing it on the document is simple. On a font at-rule, that's
considerably harder for web authors because of CSSOM complexity...


Received on Friday, 25 May 2012 06:14:48 UTC