Re: [css3-lists] Split @counter-style out?

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Sylvain Galineau
<> wrote:
> [Tab Atkins Jr.:]
>> The Lists 3 module has been sitting at WD for several months now, because
>> a few pieces (mostly marker positioning) need more review before I'm
>> comfortable requesting LC for it.  (By the way, review marker positioning
>> so I can request LC for it!)
>> However, fantasai pointed out in private conversation during the f2f that
>> the @counter-style part of the spec has received decent review and
>> interest, and could proceed independently of the stuff about marker
>> positioning and the like.
>> Would anyone object if I pulled the @counter-style and symbols() function
>> out into a separate spec that I could then request LC for?  I could
>> perhaps push it into the spec
>> so we could have a proper argument over what styles to make normatively
>> required again.
>> ^_^
> How much work would you estimate is left for marker positioning that it
> Justifies spinning up a new draft, getting FWPW etc. ? I guess I'm not
> sure why y you wouldn't move the marker positioning to L4 and LC
> the rest now?

Not much work - it's just a matter of sanity-checking the proposed
algorithms, since they're slightly different than every current
browser (though very similar to IE9's behavior).  It's just that
nobody's been interested enough to do so.


Received on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 01:16:45 UTC