Re: [CSS21] [css3-page] page-break collapsing

On 29/11/2011 17:45, fantasai wrote:
> At TPAC we resolved to clarify CSS2.1 to say that the
> 'page-break-before' and
> 'page-break-after' properties don't create a break if you're at the top
> of the
> page, where at the top of the page means no content has been placed, with
> borders not counting as content but empty zero-height blocks counting as
> content.
> Here's my proposed text:
> Section 13.3.3 Allowed Page Breaks
> # In the normal flow, page breaks can occur at the following places:
> #
> # 1. In the vertical margin between block-level boxes. [...]
> This, interpreted strictly, indicates that a break is allowed between
> siblings,
> but not between a parent and its first or last child. Let's clarify that by
> inserting "sibling" after "between".
> # Rule A: Breaking at (1) is allowed only if the 'page-break-after' and
> # 'page-break-before' properties of all the elements generating boxes that
> # meet at this margin allow it, which is when at least one of them has the
> # value 'always', 'left', or 'right', or when all of them are 'auto'.
> The phrase "meet at this margin" is ill-defined, so we need to define it:
> | A box meets at this margin if it is one of the block-level siblings on
> | either side of the margin or if it is a block-level last (for boxes
> | before the margin) or first (for boxes after the margin) child of a box
> | that also meets at this margin.
> We should also add
> | For boxes before the margin, the 'page-break-after' value is considered;
> | for boxes after the margin the 'page-break-before' value is considered.
> I think that should get us the behavior we want with the minimal amount of
> changes to CSS2.1 and CSS3 Paged Media. For CSS Fragmentation, we can
> consider
> rewriting the section to describe the behavior in the terms Steve used.

Fantasai, this bug is tracked at

Anton Prowse

Received on Sunday, 8 January 2012 11:59:27 UTC