Re: Proposition. Positioning content with guidelines

> In my opinion, this is a fool's errand.  I don't think it's possible
> to come up with a single layout model that solves all of the major
> use-cases that the separate models we currently have can do.

Impossible? I hear that every day. I don't and won't know this word.
What is major use-cases? Please, provide more information about it.
Human imagination is so infinite.... ;)

> believe the complexity of having several layout models is a worthy
> cost for the benefit of making it simple and easy to solve problems
> once you decide with model to use.

Once again, today authors have 7 (seven) types of content
positioning!!! Is it easy to solve?

> I strongly disagree.  I don't think it's possible to replicate some of
> the common use-cases, even with complex combinations of those three.
> Many simple cases can be replicated with them, but it'll be more
> complex than doing it with Grid.

What about next thought: guidelines is a base, core for another
positioning schemes? Web-page texturing on the guidelines, where
textures is content.
I totally sure, that this idea will visit you after 2 years of spec


Received on Monday, 27 February 2012 23:47:52 UTC