Re: [css3-animations] Editability of CSS 3 Animations

On Fri, Feb 3, 2012 at 12:42 AM, Daniel Glazman
<> wrote:
> Currently implementing an editor for Animations, I think we
> have an editability problem here. It's a rather serious one since
> we won't be able to provide animators with the tools they are
> used to in their industry.
> You can read that on my blog :
> I suggest you don't comment there but here in www-style.

Your primary problem seems to be that you want a reasonable way to
create a "preview" of a set of keyframes, but all the vital
information (duration, easing function, etc.) is set on the element
rather than the keyframes.

Can't you just make up some reasonable defaults?  Or, if you want to
get fancy, analyze the document to find out where the keyframes are
used, extract the duration/function/etc data from those use-points,
and then offer them as previewing options?  The former seems easier
than making people specify defaults on the keyframe, while often still
being pretty useful.  The latter is equivalent if they only use the
animation once (but requires no changes to CSS), and potentially
better if they use it in multiple places with different options.


Received on Friday, 3 February 2012 14:42:53 UTC