Re: [css3-animations] "Applies To" lines are wrong

On 15/04/2011 2:54 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Alan Gresley<>  wrote:
>> I'm curious, is this the sort of behavior that you expect with ::marker?
> I expect ::marker to act exactly like a child element of its superior
> parent, same as ::before and ::after, and accept all properties that
> would apply to a normal child element.
> I expect pseudo-elements in general to act like this, with special
> ones (like ::first-line) specially called out in their definitions as
> being exceptions.  For example, ::first-letter can also accept all
> properties, and I expect that ::slot or ::grid-cell or whatever to be
> the same.
> ~TJ

My initial reply to this part of the thread came to an end after doing 
this test a month ago (has notes about Chrome not doing things right).

I can see authors using this method (or similar) to animate 
pseudo-elements on document <header>s (div#header).

I not sure what Chrome supports (I'm using 11.0.696.6). I don't know 
which of the below properties (and/or values) Chrome supports for 3D 

  1. perspective  [1].
  2. transform-style: preserve-3d  [2]

Another test.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<style type="text/css" id="tests">
div {
   -webkit-perspective: 50;
#box div {
   border: 10px solid blue;
   background: silver;
   height: 100px;
   -webkit-transform: rotateY(45deg);

<div id="box"><div></div></div>

This test shows that only rotateY(45deg) is working in Chrome. There is 
no perspective.

I am hesitate to say this but do we need a vendor prefix -chrome-?

Last thing, where do I go to find the information for developers for 
'Chrome the browser'. I can not find it here (I no even sure if Chrome 
the browser and chromium are the same thing) .


Alan Gresley

Received on Saturday, 7 May 2011 12:33:57 UTC