RE: [css3-background] box-shadow spread radius and rounded corners

#  The shadow should not change shape when a spread
# radius is applied: sharp corners should remain sharp. 

As I mentioned earlier, the sentence prior to the colon seems completely incorrect given Brad's description.

> This is incorrect.  In your "extreme" example png, if we made it more
> extreme with, say, a 200px spread, the shadow would be very nearly circular.
> It won't ever be exactly, because it will always have 280px straight along the
> top/bottom and 180px straight along the left/right, but that straightness
> quickly becomes nearly visually irrelevant.

Regarding the portion after the colon, it doesn't speak to rounded corners remaining round as such, Tab's concern becomes ... well ... more pointed for the case of a rounded corners with an inset shadow.

It's easy to see from the spec Example XXVIII in the 28 April 2010 version of

If you increase the length parameters by another 5px, the shadow will lose rounding entirely -- it will become sharp.

I'm surprised this is considered desirable.

- Brian

Received on Wednesday, 28 April 2010 19:47:47 UTC