Re: [css3-layout] Nested templates and CSS rule order

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Alexis Deveria <> wrote:
> becomes less clear what the user agent should do. Since #nav is
> a child of both body and #content, and both suggest the element is
> flowed into their "a" slots, should it go into the #content template
> (which is the nearest parent template element) or in the body template
> (which is the latest rule to include the "a" slot) ?. Or are
> template-positioned elements required to be defined after the template
> element? This appears to be the case in all the spec examples, but I
> don't see any wording that indicates that it is required.

An element only pays attention to its most recent ancestor with a
template.  Any ancestors further up the chain are completely ignored.

Something to note is that this should apply even if an element
specifies a position that's not in its template ancestor's template,
but *is* in a previous ancestor's template.  That is, if you swapped
the two template for body and #content in your example, so body had
slots abcd and content had only slots ab, then .news and .sports would
flow into the @ slot, as their template ancestor doesn't have slots
named "c" or "d" (even though <body> does).


Received on Friday, 8 May 2009 00:10:18 UTC