[css3-background] background-position values of start and end



With a different thread about bidirectional flow [1]. Salar inquired 
about new values for background-position of start (was near) and end 
(was far) for for rtl. Jens Meiert also brought up this issue [2].

I would like to see the inclusion of background-position values of start 
and end that is analogous with float with values of left, right, start 
and end.

LTR text flow with background-position:

background-position: left analogous with background-position: start
background-position: right analogous with background-position: end

RTL text flow with background-position:

background-position: right analogous with background-position: start
background-position: left analogous with background-position: end

LTR text flow with float:

float: left analogous with float: start
float: right analogous with float: end

RTL text flow with float:

float: right analogous with float: start
float: left analogous with float: end

1. <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Nov/0336.html>
2. <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Jan/0291.html>

Alan http://css-class.com/

Received on Friday, 18 December 2009 04:25:41 UTC