Re: [Backgrounds/Borders] What to do when a border-image fails to load

On Apr 1, 2009, at 2:23 PM, fantasai wrote:

> Brad Kemper wrote:
>> I written up a proposal that I think solves this problem, plus a  
>> couple others that I think are even bigger for authors. I'd  
>> appreciate it if everyone could take a look and let me know what  
>> you think. In the following link, I describe three problems  
>> (including this one), and a nice solution that I would love to see  
>> implemented:
> Great writeup. I think we still have some details to work out here,
> but overall I would also like to see this put in the spec. So unless
> we get major objections here (which seems unlikely given that roc and
> hyatt agree), I intend to do exactly that. :-)
> BTW, I did get a suggestion over IRC that maybe border-image should be
> a shorthand for multiple properties, e.g.
>  background-image-source: <url>
>  background-image-slice: <integer>{1,4}
>  background-image-widths: <length>{1,4}
>  background-image-outset: <length>{1,4}
> Seems useful if you want to flip the image back and forth without
> changing the sizes, but other than that I have no comment atm.

I don't think the usefulness would outweigh the cost of all the new  
properties though.


Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2009 19:46:21 UTC