Re: [css3-fonts] duplication and @font-face rules

Hi David,

>>> (B) seems like it has some advantages, particularly when local() and
>>> src() are combined, and the font available locally may have more or
>>> fewer glyphs in it depending on what the user has chosen to install.
>>> It also feels more CSS-like to me (which could mean it fits author
>>> expectations better, although maybe not).
>>> (A) seems like it may have some advantages in terms of speed or
>>> bandwidth usage.
>>> However, current implementations in WebKit nightlies and in Gecko
>>> nightlies seem to do (A).
>> Prince does (B), and this behaviour is quite useful.
> Any chance you could expand on why it's useful?  And cc: www-style
> again when replying.

It allows you to define font families with intelligent fallback:

@font-face {
     font-family: MyFont;
     src: local("Times New Roman"), local("OpenSymbol"), ...

In the Prince default style sheets we actually use this to predefine the 
default font families such as "serif" and "sans-serif".



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Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 05:13:38 UTC