Re: CSS3 @font-face / EOT Fonts - new compromise proposal

2008/11/11 Dave Singer <>:
> [remaining clear that this is merely a summary of what I think I read, not a
> proposal]
> I think it's that we have to admit that both restricted-use and free fonts
> may exist, and those making restricted-use fonts want there to be some
> indications and support for the restrictions, and those making/using free
> fonts think that there should not be such indications or tech. support for
> (non-existent) restrictions.

As a free software font maker, if restricted fonts show indications
they are restricted, I want my unrestricted fonts to show indications
they are not restricted. is a sketch of a way to handle such


"Nothing would please me more than being able to hire ten programmers
and deluge the hobby market with good software."
- Bill Gates, 1976, in want of

Received on Tuesday, 11 November 2008 23:28:23 UTC