Re: [css3] “Selectors that People Actually Use”

> > * E:empty – Chances are indeed that authors will use element
> > selectors instead, and I remember Eric raising other concerns
> > concerning this pseudo-class [1].
> Element selectors? Eric's concerns are browser bugs and a slight  
> misunderstanding of <img>. 

Please note the “and”. Me, I am talking about probably using element/type selectors instead (for example, using ”hr” instead of ”:empty” on imaginary sites where the only empty element is an “hr”); Eric had a few different thoughts.

> > * E:lang(fr) – Probably the most questionable selector since
> > apparently replaceable by attribute selectors.
> Oh really? I don't think so.

Could you explain, please? What can you really do with ”:lang()” that is IMPOSSIBLE to do with attribute selectors (not talking about character savings)?

> > * E:nth-of-type(n), E:nth-last-child(n), E:nth-last-of-type(n) –
> > Trivial objection: These selectors will bring much joy but will be
> > rarely used just because “cognitively too demanding”; I expect them
> > to be used absolutely nowhere in personal projects and quite rarely
> > in complex projects. That doesn't mean anything, it's just my two
> > cents.
> I'd expect a few people to make examples on how you can put them to use  
> and authors to follow by copy and pasting.

Probably “trivial objection” wasn't clear, it was just a simple remark that I do not expect heavy use of these selectors, which, again, must not mean anything here. Sure, I could have dropped the note entirely, but I haven't been aware that all words get weighed now.

Jens Meiert

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2008 09:47:00 UTC