Re: Are href and src part of CSS?

On 9/8/05, Jonathan Chetwynd <> wrote:
> Adrian,
> this query wasn't related to authoring, rather user accessibility,
> sorry for any confusion, XSLT isn't relevant in this instance.
> content seems designed for a rather different purpose, it isn't clear
> that your suggestion would be supported "the value of the content
> property is a sequence of text strings..." not images as I read it,
> but please let me know if my quote has been updated.

Perhaps, but content could very well include url() if that choice was
made. I think I've seen somewhere a suggestion for it even if it's not
in the current draft.

As for href, it is very much part of the content and not part of the
styling at least in linking structures. The presentation for that link
may change, but the actual relationship is content which means the
value shouldn't be changable via styling.


Orion Adrian

Received on Thursday, 8 September 2005 18:04:31 UTC