Desktop Publishing with XHTML+CSS

Dear All,

I read with interest Eric Severson's article entitled "XML for Creative
Content and Page Layout Applications"  at

I have been searching for a way to create a multi-targeted document (webpage
and print ready PDF) that is simple, cheap and effective.

After pondering the complexity of XSL-FO, I have come up with a 3 property
extention to CSS2 that would allow a large class of these kind of documents
to be created.  I have not proved it yet, but it may well be that the sample
problem that he gives is solvable using these 3 new properties.

I have written a draft of my ideas at:
ng_with_XHTML_and_CSS>  and I would be interested to hear any feedback.

David Pratten

B.App Sci(Comp Sci), MACS, MACM

Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 04:38:34 UTC