RE: New layout language.


I haven't heard a lot of people arguing against the benefits of splitting
layout from content.

I think the discussion has fallen in to a religious debate about whether
your proposal is "easier" or more "intuitive" than the equivalent CSS, which
is an unwinnable, irrelevant (and terribly uninteresting) debate IMHO.

Laurens and Kelly(?) seem to be arguing that CSS currently provides for
clean separation of content and layout.

I think this will be easier to discuss if you and Laurens can identify and
agree on a small set of CSS/[X]HTML examples that demonstrate the problem.

Alternatively, you might try to define the characteristics of separated

I'll take a stab at articulating some of these in a following post, but I
don't want to muddy the waters here.

Either CSS provides for separation of layout already, or it doesn't.  If it
does, there's very little advantage to inventing an additional mechanism
just to simplify coding or understanding.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Orion Adrian
> Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 12:12 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: New layout language.
> > Hear hear ^_^.
> >
> > I entirely agree. And I think it would be more constructive if we took
> > the discussion towards improving what is still lacking in the existing
> > model.
> How so? Why not move in a direction that would increase what you could
> do with the system and not just how it looks?
> Separation of layout and formatting and separation of content from
> interface improves gives you capabilities you simply can't have with
> them together. Why are people so against the split?
> --
> Orion Adrian

Received on Wednesday, 6 July 2005 20:09:35 UTC