Re: Proposal: :column pseudo-class

On 7/2/05, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Jul 2005, Orion Adrian wrote:
> >
> > Hence my suggestion that layout be separated from other types of
> > properties. Layout should be done first for many reasons. One of them is
> > to get around this problem. At what point to we say the current
> > algorithm isn't doing the job?
> Adding a whole new layout mechanism is massive overkill when there is a
> much simpler solution that solves the column selector problem neatly in
> the current model (using semantic-based column selectors, as suggested by
> dbaron several times already on this thread).

But it's not just one problem I see that I'm trying to fix. I see a
lot when it comes to layout ranging from giving control to the wrong
person (web designers and not web site consumers) to not matching the
mental model of people designing layout (i.e. using margins and
padding as tools for layout). I'm also trying to make the number of
properties smaller, the interactions fewer and the implementation of
the system as a whole easier. So no, it's not just about :column().

Orion Adrian

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2005 22:11:47 UTC