Re: CSS property name incompatibilities

/ Håkon Wium Lie <> was heard to say:
| Now, inverting your text we get:
|   I think it's unfortunate that the XSL WG has not chosen to adopt the
|   CSS properties that already exist for this purpose. Electing to invent
|   new names for existing functionality in other W3C Recommendations may
|   impact interoperability and future compatible growth.
|   I encourage the XSL WG to reconsider their choice of property names
|   and values for functionality that they have independently reinvented
|   since the CSS2 Recommendation was published.
| Care to comment?

Seems entirely reasonable to me, though I doubt it's the sort of
correction that can be made in the context of a minor update like XSL
1.1. Perhaps we should setup a task force to revisit harmonization
across the board when we get to 2.0? I guess that'd have to be taken
up at the HTML/XML CG level?

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <> | certain: adj., insufficiently analyzed            | 

Received on Thursday, 27 January 2005 03:24:48 UTC