Re: [css21] anonymous block boxes versus block boxes

On Monday 2005-08-15 18:16 +0200, Staffan Måhlén wrote:
> Oh. I found
> Apparently people there agrees that "as high as possible" means 
> including moving already positioned items. To me it seems that

That depends what you mean by "already positioned items".  If you mean
sliding the contents of the line to the right to make room for a left
float, then it does, sort of.  Except that the items aren't really
"already positioned", since the 'text-align' property hasn't been
applied yet either, and the movement that needs to happen is simply the
application of the 'text-align' property, which always happens after the
line has been filled.

Otherwise, it doesn't, since if already positioned items were moved to
make room for the float, then the position of the float would violate
rule (5) or (6) in [1].



L. David Baron                                <URL: >
          Technical Lead, Layout & CSS, The Mozilla Foundation

Received on Tuesday, 16 August 2005 00:51:38 UTC