Re: Parent pseudo-containers - a method for seperation of content from design

>> Many times, to design layouts, we depend on nested divs. The nesting is
>> not necessarily semantic, and is just to serve the layout. So this is
> It seems to me that you are straying out of the scope of CSS into the
> the scope of XSL.

Thanks for noticing to say the least.

I think the scope of CSS should be total seperation of content from  
design. It is good to know I can change the blue background to green  
anytime I want using CSS for the whole site, but when I want my navigation  
bar displayed on the very top instead of the bottom in my liquid design  
(just an example, I am not that imaginative), CSS gives me no way to do  

We'll have relatively complex feature such as move-to which asks the  
content to be placed later in the document, but I deem it only as a  
half-hearted attempt of seperation of content from style, and same goes  
for ::outside. If the browser can be asked with move-to to rearrange the  
flow in CSS3 with a very bad limitation, why not create a method for a  
total re-arranging with no limitations with a much simpler syntax that I  
outlined, that will help authors convert their old and fixed designs into  
liquid ones, and whatnot?

To illustrate what I proposed for the ones who hadn't took their time to  
read my long proposal:
With the method I describe, we could turn this:
|A          |
|B          |
|           |
|C      | D |

into this:
|A      | D |
|B          |
|           |
|C          |

Simply with CSS, and what's more, we would be able to apply this to *old  
css2 styled pages with excess styling markup*.

We could also turn this:

|more important for visual browsers|
|some content                      |
|some more content                 |
|more important for aural browsers |


|more important for aural browsers |
|some content                      |
|some more content                 |
|more important for visual browsers|

only with CSS.

I urge anyone who haven't read the full description at:


Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2005 22:00:39 UTC