ideas for future css versions ...

i've made a couple of suggestions for css3 like
gradients and such.  i'd like to add another.

alpha!  not the kind generated by css-filters (which
in my opinion should be done away with as soon as
browsers support the real functionality) ... but a
different way of specifying.

first problem with filters is that they apply to
everything contained in the filtered object.  applying
an alpha filter to the first DIV class in the

<div class="alpha" style="background-color:#cc9900;
border:solid #333333 2px">

<div class="floatLeftImg"><img src="test.gif"></div>

<div class="text">some test text ... blah blah


renders the text and the image partially transparent
as well.

while having a general "alpha" style is important, for
say making an image partially transparent, i recommend
that colors be expanded to handle alphas using an RGBA
format, ie "background-color:#FFFFFF80" is white at
50% transparency.  it's not a requirement to specify
the RGBA, you can still do RGB, but adding the A will
help.  and it's only applied to the "background-color"
attribute not all the stuff contained within.  you
should be able to use this RGBA format with any
attribute that can handle an RGB one.


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Received on Thursday, 2 September 2004 14:17:16 UTC