Re: Proposal: version at-rule

On Thu, 25 Mar 2004, Chris Moschini wrote:
> Unfortunately, I think what this discussion is revealing is that we need
> an @useragent rule, instead of @version. Every e-mail about this somehow
> founders on the fact that browsers just aren't honest about support, and
> even their honest claims come up false here and there. [...]
> This sort of checking is discouraged but is sometimes essential in the
> Javascript world - why not learn from success?

Success? Have you checked UA string recently?

Safari claims to be Gecko, Opera claims to be IE, except when it claims to
be both Mozilla and Opera, IE claims to be Mozilla-compatible, Firefox
claims to be Mozilla 5, Mozilla 1.7b, Gecko 20040302 and Firefox 0.8
simultaneously, Grub claims to be Mozilla4, Yahoo claims to be Mozilla5,
MyIE2 claims to be IE6...

Ian Hickson                                      )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
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Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 20:02:46 UTC