Re: XBL is (mostly) W3C redundant, and CSS is wrong W3C layer for semantic behavior *markup*

Shelby wrote on Wednesday, January 1, 2003 at 7:33:36 AM:

> At 11:17 AM 1/1/2003 +0100, Daniel Glazman wrote:

>> >>>CSS selectors allows one to select elements of markup based on
>> >>>attributes which are not related to *semantics*.
>> >>
>> >>As an editor of the W3C Selectors Specification, I assure you, that is
>> >>most definitely not the intention of CSS selectors.
>> >
>> > Of course it is.
>>No, it is *not*.

> Er, what is a class selector?

A class selector is a type of attribute selector; it selects an
element whose class attribute is equal to some value. For example, I'm
writing a document now that has an element with a class of "mission"
on a handful of lists.

The class attribute is an element identifier (like id). HTML 4.01

> This attribute assigns a class name or set of class names to an
> element. Any number of elements may be assigned the same class name or
> names. Multiple class names must be separated by white space
> characters.
> ...
> The class attribute, on the other hand, assigns one or more class
> names to an element; the element may be said to belong to these
> classes. A class name may be shared by several element instances.
> The class attribute has several roles in HTML:
>  * As a style sheet selector (when an author wishes to assign style
>    information to a set of elements).
>  * For general purpose processing by user agents.
> ...
> Almost every HTML element may be assigned identifier and class
> information.
> Suppose, for example, that we are writing a document about a
> programming language. The document is to include a number of
> preformatted examples. We use the PRE element to format the
> examples. We also assign a background color (green) to all instances
> of the PRE element belonging to the class "example".

You seem to think it's something else entirely; what that is I'd like
to know.


Received on Wednesday, 1 January 2003 12:19:09 UTC