Also sprach Ian Tindale:

 > > From: [] On Behalf
 > > Of Håkon Wium Lie

 > > How do you express that some text is a headline in XSL-FO? 
 > > Or that some string is a variable?

 > It should never be necessary to even know such facts. Such
 > information is not vital or required to image said item to paper
 > (or the user-agent).

Agreed. As long as the FOs only exist in a transient state inside the
printer, they're not harmful. However, the XSL specification does not
limit itself to printers -- it's a specification for the Web.

 > If you need to know, you're looking in the wrong place - you've
 > gone too far, turn back. Return to the source.

I'm a speech browser on the web. I've been sent an XSL-FO "document".
How do I return to the source?

              Håkon Wium Lie                          cto °þe®ª        

Received on Thursday, 5 September 2002 18:11:42 UTC