Re: canvas <html> <body>

Ian Hickson responded to me:

> > However, a root element, such as 'html' in an XHTML document, will always have a 
> > computed 'display' of 'block'.
> I do not believe this is the case.

Indeed, I am now unsure how I concocted that piece of misinformation.

> The 'display' property applies to all 
> elements, including the root element. Setting the root element to 
> 'display:table' is very useful for same layouts.

I agree about table layout, but now I have a question.  What happens when the root 
element has "display: inline"?  What is the computed value?  What becomes of "display: 

This is coming back to the question of the initial containing block.  If the initial containing 
block contains the root element's box(es), the root element could conceivably have a 
computed 'display' value of 'inline'.  If the root element must establish the initial 
containing block, 'inline' is an unacceptable value for its 'display'.-- 
Etan Wexler <>

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 04:00:33 UTC