Re: text or font properties

On Mon, 30 Nov 1998 wrote:
> I'd like to suggest these font or text properties for CSS.
> 1. "slab-serif" as a generic font-family value for what typographers
> call slab serif or Egyptian or Clarendon fonts
Ideas involving adding keywords to old properties have in the past met
with a cold reception from the WG. The given reason for this is that
the error handling rules would make any CSS1 browser totally ignore
the font property in question.

I've just realised, though, that that isn't true.

   H1 { font: 1em slab-serif, serif; } valid CSS1 and would make CSS1 browsers use generic "serif" and
CSSn browsers use generic "slab-serif". I think. Right? (We have also
seen requests in ciwas some time back for a "hand-script" generic
family, BTW).

> 2. "font-width" to describe the horizontal scale or width desired.
Already exists. See

Ian Hickson

Received on Monday, 30 November 1998 17:58:04 UTC