Re: W3C Core Styles

Ian Samson wrote:
> On 12 Feb 98 at 10:38, Gayle Kidder <> wrote:
> > Those who wish to see how the Core Styles work in Netscape under the
> > current implementation can see them at:
> >
> >
> I went there, and looked at
> It's all overwritten and unintelligible in Communcator 4.04, and the HTML
> 3.2 graphic at the bottom isn't there.
Given some of the css declarations, I wasn't surprised to see that
Communicator 4.04 rendered poorly in all of the samples Gayle
provided. Since, apparently, the decision has been made to exclude
Netscape via @import, perhaps you should mention that the set of Core
Style Sheets is presented for Win'95 IE 4. 

If no compromise(1) is possible, given the various buggy
implementations extant, could you at least consider commenting the
problematic declarations in the set, so that potential users would be
aware of the implications of using those declarations?

Sue Jordan
(1) A possible compromise might be a set of Core Style Sheets with the
'problematic' declarations commented out or 'worked around', when

Received on Friday, 13 February 1998 08:23:49 UTC