Seeing Q&A

> BTW, this forum is not a question-and-answer stylesheet support mailing
> list. It is designed for discussion of the CSS3 specification. Please
> reread the documentation that came with your subscription for more
> details.

Pardon my ignorance, but where would one go for Q&A on HTML & CSS?

Perhaps the W3C website should point out sites, newsgroups, mailing list
listservs, books where users could get and give help on HTML, CSS, and other
issues overseen by W3C. IMHO, this would further the W3C's goal of making the
web accessible to all users. Also, don't users' questions (*especially* new
users) point out useability issues, e.g. what is/isn't clear about HTML and

Web advances move so quickly that even the newest printed matter is mostly on
CSS1. What better way for new users to learn than to benefit from the most
experienced, even the inventors?

I'm not saying this list should be for Q&A, rather that places offering
stylesheet Q&A, teaching, and support should be publicized (pointed out,
linked to) by the W3C and by this list.

// end rant

Climbing off my soapbox now,
Ben Whisman

Received on Tuesday, 15 December 1998 18:12:55 UTC