Re: IE4's handling of escape characters in CSS class names

Russell Steven Shawn O'Connor wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Apr 1998, Jonas Salling wrote:
> > <P>a <SPAN class="My Style" >b</SPAN> c
> I think the problem here is that CLASS is a space separated list of class
> names.  So what you have done here is define SPAN to belong to the class
> ``My'', and the class ``Style''.  I suggest using ``My_Style'' or
> something like that.

  Hum, the character _ seems to be not allowed in a class name.
  Use ``My-Style'' instead.


Philippe Le Hegaret --
KOALA/DYADE/BULL @ INRIA (Stagiaire) - Sophia Antipolis

Received on Thursday, 16 April 1998 09:41:28 UTC