Question about WebDAV and Dublin Core ...


I posted this question to the Dublin Core mailing list and one
of the member suggested that I pose my question here because
there may be a few people here who could answer my questions
as well.

I'm putting together a collection of datasets in WebDAV,
and I want to use WebDAV properties to contain Dublin
Core metadata.  I searched the web archives and found a
1999 document about WebDAV and Dublin Core.  Has anything
else been done since this time?  Has anybody done this?
Any advice?

In particular, I'm interested in how others have used qualified
Dublin Core and have included encoding schemes in the WebDAV
properties, and have searched for metadata in WebDAV
repositories.  (This isn't covered by the 1999 document.)

Also, have people used XML or RDF or plain text to give
the DC element values in the WebDAV properties?

Any experiences are of interest to me.


Carmen Pancerella, PhD                 
Distributed Systems Research & Development
Sandia National Laboratories                    Phone: (617) 630-0316
P.O. Box 969, Mailstop 9012                 Voicemail: (925) 294-3538
Livermore, CA 94551-0969                          Fax: (508) 300-8815

Received on Wednesday, 8 May 2002 10:36:22 UTC