Re: KR & Issue/bug tracking terms in RDFS?

You seem hesitant to use regular DB software.
You might try using KR/KE, at least for prototype development.

KR tuples are a single line of text, with semicolon-separated fields.
Each relation has a KR script (or a Unicon procedure) to define the meaning of its tuples.
Queries of the resulting knowledge base use KR's "form-based" questions.

I have personally used KR for:
    my family genealogy knowledge base of over 1000 persons
    my expense records & summaries
The relation definitions for both of these applications are included on my web site.
Dick McCullough 
knowledge := man do identify od existent done
knowledge haspart proposition list

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Graham Klyne 
  To: Danny Ayers 
  Cc: RDF-Interest ; 
  Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 8:51 AM
  Subject: RE: Issue/bug tracking terms in RDFS?

  At 03:52 PM 12/19/02 +0100, Danny Ayers wrote:
  >At the moment I'm not sure whether to aim towards using two or three
  >vocabularies : people (FOAF); projects (tasks); issues (issues/bugs).

  I think it's probably a good thing to use existing vocabs in your overall 
  scheme, where they exist and are defined to serve the purpose in the way 
  you want.  Modularization of vocabularies seems like a good thing to me.

  As you say:
  >Bugzilla's userid should be covered by using FOAF, as you have with
  >raisedBy, though internally I wonder if there's a good way of assigning URIs
  >to users for this. For me this might look something like:

  As for assigning URIs, I do that sometimes.  It can be useful to assign 
  URIs when you want to mention the same person several times.  Otherwise a 
  blank node can do.  In practice, I find they work pretty much the same.  In 
  fact, it's one of the areas I find that RDF data is very much more 
  convenient than more prescriptive data formats.

  >btw, earlier on I was contemplating using Bugzilla for the back end and
  >communicating with it using Ideagraph, which would need some RDB/RDF
  >mapping. After looking over the schema  a bit I now reckon it would be
  >easier, (and potentially a lot more useful) to stick to RDF at the backend
  >(Jena ModelDB?, perhaps using the NetAPI) with the possibility of using
  >Ideagraph at the front and/or a HTML form (from hell) like Bugzilla's.

   From my experience, I'd say that using Jena ModelDB as a back end is a 
  good plan.  I believe it would take very little work to link my stuff to 
  Jena in this way (I just haven't got round to doing it).

  Something else I haven't properly exploited in my own issue tracking work 
  is use of inference rules. E.g. using Cwm to calculate things that can be 
  deduced, rather than entering the same information in different ways, which 
  is what I do at the moment.  Again, it would be dead easy to do (at least 
  for for some of the duplicated information I've noticed), but I just 
  haven't got round to doing that yet.

  Graham Klyne

Received on Thursday, 19 December 2002 15:15:43 UTC