RE: why query languages and RDF data have syntaxes?

Graham, do you mean your query that works like RDF with blank bits? I presume
it is easy to map between similar syntax types (squish and algae look the
same to me) but is it easy to map from a "holey-RDF graph query to a
SQL-style one?

(You might be right about it being early to standardise, but it might be
intersting to think about whether that is true and not assume it).



On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Libby Miller wrote:

>On Sun, 1 Dec 2002, Graham Klyne wrote:
>> FWIW, I think it's too soon to be trying to eliminate diversity in
>> ("standardize") RDF queries.  In practice, I think the various query
>> approaches can be mapped reasonably easily, so I don't think different
>> queries create unbridgeable islands.  My own query mechanism ends up
>> reducing to an SQL-ish kind of approach.
>I'd agree with this Graham - there's a lot of similarity between
>many of the languages. Dan Brickley had some conversion scripts between
>squish and Algae for example (the nearest I can find is this:

Charles McCathieNevile  tel: +61 409 134 136
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Received on Monday, 2 December 2002 18:38:23 UTC