Reminder: MathML meeting on Thursday

 Everyone is in agreement that summer is over... we are back to our regular
meeting times for everyone. We meet on Thursday at: 10am Pacific, 1pm
Eastern, 7pm Central European Tim*e*.

The regulars for this group should have the meeting details in their
calendars. For everyone else, the details can be found on the members-only
W3C Math WG calendar

1. Announcements/Updates/Progress reports
    Reminder: make sure your AC rep has appointed you and you have agreed
to the terms of joining. There are still a few people who haven't done this.
   MathJax 4 and MathML
    No meeting on Nov 23.
2. Intent PR about airity (max 5 minutes) -- updates?
3. Core concept list updates
       i. Deyan's original spreadsheet
(left off at line 150)
       ii. David F's wish list
       iii. Deyan's Physics list
<> and Chemistry
list <>
       iv: Neil's MathCAT intent list and MathPlayer's rules list (subject
area inferences <>, units

Received on Thursday, 16 November 2023 04:32:37 UTC