Re: Math and MathML [forethought about rendering]

William F Hammond wrote:
> "Mark P. Line" <> writes in small part:
>> Well, maybe not *just* MathML. I've been in favor of presentational
>> markup in HTML since I started using it in 1993, and I've never used
>> CSS for real work in my life. And I'm not alone, at least not out
>> here in the trenches.  So my prediction is that the W3C will
>> ultimately recognize their mistake in shifting presentation from
>> HTML to CSS, that they will start shifting it back, and that finally
>> nobody will need to use CSS for much of anything.
> I was with you on this until around 2003 largely because of diverse
> behavior in the distributed base of user agents.  But CSS is now used
> with the XHTML+MathML content that I generate.

You have my condolences.

> Nonetheless the web paradigm is that a content provider should
> produce pages sensible in user agents (like robots) that ignore CSS.
> By that standard classical HTML with CSS is not satisfactory for
> handling mathematical content.


> Today every university student taking courses in mathematics, physics,
> engineering, etc. needs a user agent that is MathML capable.  (Every
> on-campus user lab here is so equipped.)

Do your students like MathML?

-- Mark

Mark P. Line
San Antonio, TX

Received on Monday, 17 July 2006 21:00:39 UTC