Re: ANN: New Math on the Web Products Announced


> Now how do you know that? It sounds to me like a figure plucked out 
> of thin air. Certainly it's decidedly untrue for all the scientific 
> and technical documents I deal with.

It wasn't plucked out of thin air.  It is based on surveys of STM
publishers (science, technical, medical) and other market data.
Since that figure is rather important to us, you can imagine we have
invested some effort in determining it.

But your larger point is certainly correct -- it depends on what you
call "technical documents".  If you mean mathematics research
articles, you are correct.  But if you focus on, say engineering
books, articles and documents, Word is more prominent than TeX, and
engineers produce many more documents.  Similarly, if you allow
documents created by math teachers, then the category where the most
documentsa re produced is K-12 by a huge margin, and there Word is by
far the most common format, HTML is a distant second, and TeX and PDF
doen't even merit a mention, to borrow your diction.


Robert Miner                          email:
Design Science, Inc.                  phone: 651-223-2883        

Received on Monday, 16 October 2000 22:23:06 UTC