Re: [css-text] I18N-ISSUE-315: Reference to line breaking in KLREQ

On 01/24/2014 10:21 AM, Phillips, Addison wrote:
> State:
>      OPEN WG Comment
> Product:
>      CSS3-text
> Raised by:
>      Richard Ishida
> Opened on:
>      2013-12-11
> Description:
>      5.2. Breaking Rules for Punctuation: the ‘line-break’ property
>      "The rules here are following guidelines from KLREQ for Korean,
>       which don't allow the Chinese/Japanese-specific breaks. However,
>       the resulting behavior could use some review and feedback to make
>       sure they are correct, particularly when “word basis” breaking is
>       used (‘word-break: keep-all’) in Korean."
>      I don't see what this is referring to. The rules below seem to all
>      be relevant to either Japanese or Chinese.

Right. The question is whether Korean should have the same allowances
as Chinese and Japanese. Notice there are special line breaks that are
allowed *only* when the language is *known* to be Chinese or Japanese.
We could allow them also if the language is known to be Korean. However,
KLREQ does not seem to allow these breaks, so we did not allow these
special breaks for Korean.

In general, we need closer review of line-breaking for Korean, since we
have received very few comments on Korean line-breaking rules.


Received on Thursday, 8 May 2014 23:45:45 UTC