Re: Ruby in HTML5


The implementers need to support nesting some ruby boxes and ruby text 
boxes because the ruby related style rules can be applied to other 
elements. Then, the ruby implementation can be simple if HTML5 allows to 
nest the ruby elements rather than the complex ruby of XHTML1.1. So, we 
can support the complex ruby easily by this way if we need to do that.
# I don't think the complex ruby becomes popular because I've never seen 
the complex ruby on most Japanese books.

On 2010/03/11 0:48, MURAKAMI Shinyu wrote:
> MURAKAMI Shinyu<>  wrote on 2010/03/10 22:06:30
>> I think it's possible because HTML5 doesn't prohibit nesting ruby.
>>    <ruby class="after">
>>      <ruby>東<rt>とう</rt>南<rt>なん</rt></ruby>
>>      <rt>たつみ</rt>
>>    </ruby>
>> with stylesheet:
>>    ruby       { ruby-position: before }
>>    ruby.after { ruby-position: after }
>> This seems simpler than the XHTML complex markup.
> Now I found similar discussion on the Bugzilla@Mozilla:
> Bug 256274 - Implement CSS ruby module

Masayuki Nakano <>
Manager, Internationalization, Mozilla Japan.

Received on Thursday, 11 March 2010 00:52:39 UTC