Re: Translation of working draft "Specifying Language in XHTML andHTML Content"

Hi, I am not sure; they certainly do not want translations of working drafts 
listed because the document may change.

Thanks for your help; I am trying to put your corrections in, but I'll have 
to wait to see if Richard Ishida wants a translation.

If so, if he wants one fast, . . . I may need to find someone to help with a 
section or two.

--C. E.  Whitehead
>I think any new translation is welcome. Your translation seems to be the 
>result of a automatic translation tool isn't it? In any case, it still need 
>some little review to be in correct French prose. For example, 
>"Intenationalization" should be tranlated as "Internationalisation" and not 
>"mondialisation" which have to do with economy and politic, "Application" 
>is "Application" and not "Processus", "outreach" may be translated 
>"promotion" and not "portée mondiale", "vous êtes novice " and not "vous 
>est novice", etc.
>But, as you say, your translation is still a draft.
>Bon courage.
>Najib Tounsi
>CE Whitehead wrote:
>>Hi, when I emailed you before requesting to translate the working draft,
>>"Internationalization Best Practices: Specifying Language in XHTML & HTML 
>>I was told not to translate a working draft as such was subject to change;
>>then in another discussion someone mentioned that links to such 
>>translations were welcome through the email at the discussion list for the 
>>working draft.
>>So I do not know if that means that a translation is welcome or not;
>>I started a translation in any case,
>>but it is not at all finished:
>>(I've only translated the introduction and first three sections so far and 
>>they are in working-draft format still; you'll see as well that I've still 
>>got the English text left in, but highlighted in grey in case someone 
>>wants it side-by-side, but maybe the only person who needs that is me.
>>As I started translating I started wondering who on these lists did not 
>>read English anyway;
>>it is easier to read in a second language generally than it is to write in 
>>it, and English and French are not totally far apart.
>>But if anyone needs this translation for any reason, I've started it;
>>do not know if it needs to be finished at this point or if anyone else is 
>>interested in working on it too if it does need to be finished)
>>(I had a little bit of a comment on the language:
>>in my translation, maybe I got carried away in the French trying to 
>>translate the hesitancy in the English sections 1.2, 1.4:
>>but anyway, the English seemed kind of I could not put a finger on it 
>>really hesitant, but anyway, think it's clear;
>>there's maybe still a typo or two in the draft)
>>(I also had two more comments on this document; I was wondering if in 
>>section 3.1,
>>it might be best to add to the following,
>>"Metadata about the language of the intended audience is usually best 
>>declared outside the document in the HTTP Content-Language header, 
>>although there may be situations where an internal declaration using the 
>>meta element is appropriate."
>>a comment that it's worthwhile to make use of both declarations whenever 
>>it's possible.
>>In any case I don't feel I am a total expert in this area; hope this 
>>comment is helpful!
>>Also a question about "the natural language of the content"--what other 
>>languages are used in the content? So this was really a question about 
>>wording; thought "natural" was redundant here.)
>>--C. E. Whitehead
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>Najib TOUNSI (mailto:tounsi @
>Bureau W3C au Maroc (
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