Re(2): Re(2): Localization and Internationalization

Martin Duerst :
> There is definitely the issue of privacy protection here.
> This is already a problem for Accept-Language. If you speak
> some exotic language, and set quality parameters for the languages
> you speak, you are pretty easy to trace. It gets much easier if
> you include shoe size and other body measures. You definitely
> want your shoe maker to know your shoe size, but you don't want
> everybody else to know it, so the simple Accept/Response model
> of HTTP may not be suited to this.


There is indeed a privacy issue, but I don't think it's all that serious. I'm not suggesting that anything as specific as preferred clothing sizes, egg grading schemes, and so on be incorporated, rather just a generic set of preferences which would probably cover the majority of cases. I would also expect to be able to turn the whole thing off at the browser if I wanted. 

That said, a profiling scheme is probably a better place to put it, but I'm still convinced something of the like is necessary (and also that the driving force to put it into place will come from electronic commerce).


p.s Martin : I'm on an x400+gateway system here and the Internet address mduerst@enoshima which I'm getting for you doesn't work. 

Received on Wednesday, 6 August 1997 10:50:49 UTC