Re: Re(2): Localization and Internationalization

>Similarly, if the vendor knew I was in Luxembourg it could only show
>me models of shoe that conform to official Grand Ducal footwear norms
>and regulations, or it could give me the address of the local cobblers
>providing technical support and so on. Localisation in this sense
>lends competitive advantage.  

A long time ago now, I proposed adding some tags for
locale-independent markup of measuremetns etc. so that browsers could
display it in most appropriate manner. We had these in one of the
early drafts too. 

I think such tags are still useful, but I also think we do need some
way of profiling users, because there are a large number of things
that can have an effect on prices, for example. Hasn't there been some
work done on specifying user profiles in the PICS effort?

Received on Monday, 4 August 1997 12:09:42 UTC