Re: HTML 4.0 Frameset specifying target frame error

Dan Tovey wrote:
> I am currently attempting to use the frameset dtd, however,
> the examples in the specification for specifying the target
> frame <A href=.. target=..> do not work.
> The examples in 16.3 all specify the frameset dtd, but use
> the BODY element, which the verifier states is illegal.  I
> also tried using the target tag under the strict dtd,
> however this also failed, stating that target was unknown.
> I also tried putting the target in a style, however
> this did not seem to have any effect.  Using the BASE
> element also failed as the target tag was unknown (under the
> strict dtd).
> I am currently using the transitional dtd to solve the
> problem, perhaps this is what the example should use as
> well.


That is the correct solution. This is an error in the
spec that has been listed on the errata sheet [1]. 
> p.s. I can't get rid of frame borders, using frameborder="0"
> just leaves a light grey border under IE4, the only way I
> can get rid of them is to use frameborder="no" in
> the FRAMESET element - is there a CSS method I can use to
> get rid of the borders
> or is this an IE4 problem?

This does sound like an IE4 problem/feature since "no" 
is not a valid value for 'frameborder' according to the
HTML 4.0 spec. 

As for whether you can use CSS, I've not tried myself, but
you can always try 'border-width' and 'border-style' (one
or both). I suspect they won't work around frames.

Thank you for reporting the error. Please don't hesitate
to let us know if you find other ones.

 - Ian


Ian Jacobs / 401 Second Ave. #19G / New York, NY 10010 USA
Tel/Fax: (212) 684-1814          Email:

Received on Wednesday, 8 April 1998 11:16:39 UTC