Re: Missing Exception in MediaList interface

Blaine Brodie wrote:
> writes:
> > Blaine Brodie wrote:
> > >
> > > In the DOM 2 spec [07/03/2000] under Section 4.2 the MediumList's
> > > interface "append" method [now "appendMedium" I believe] takes in a
> > > DOMString and throws a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR exception, but
> should
> > > this method also throw a SYNTAX_ERR exception?
> >
> > Not sure we should.
> > A syntax of a medium can be found in the CSS2 spec but this interface is
> > not supposed to be limited by CSS2.
> > We also have media in the HTML4 spec. The stylesheet PI uses
> > this definition. For them, this is "single media descriptor" but i
> > can't find a clear syntax except that they are comma separated. I don't
> > think we can rely on this definition.
> >
> > So, without a clear common definition for the syntax of a medium, it's
> > difficult to raise an error. It also depends on the context.
> >
> > Philippe.
> I think I understand now.  For the case where I have an empty mediaList
> named media, and I say media.appendMedium("print, braille"),
> media.getItem(1) will return "braille". Correct?

No, it's not. You append a medium and not a list of media.
In your case, media.getItem(1) should return "print, baille".

But we also have:

mediaText of type DOMString 
 The parsable textual representation of the media list. This is a
 comma-separated list of media. 

So, I guess the comma should be definitively excluded from the syntax of a
  If the medium contains a comma character.


Received on Thursday, 4 May 2000 15:38:48 UTC