Re: [General] Status?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dimitris Dimitriadis" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2001 4:25 AM
Subject: [General] Status?

> I presume that most people, like myself, will have some weeks off this
> month, so it seems to be a good idea to get a picture of the current
> Below you'll find a list of action items with status indicators. Please
> remind me if I have forgotten anything.
> (W3C) CVS rights to DOM TS Group. Have all who should received

[ca] I need to get a copy of the documentation for using the CVS at W3C,
members only link at:

> (Dimitris) I have the update on the process document [done, published at
> (Dimitris/All) also I'm looking over both the
> schema and XSL to generate it to sanity check and document further. In
> addition, I want to start putting material on the DOM TS page at W3C, so
> please have one final go at Curt's and Mary's submitted material before I
> so. [Unfortunately my timeframe has been a bit limited due to finishing
> before the summer. I should be able to send some comments soon, however]
> (Dimitris/Mary) From the DOM WG meeting, we have a wish for a simple
> to generate
> straightforward results of at least the ECMA tests. Mary, could we look at
> your older solution? [Mary? Could I have your input on this?]

[ca] Think it is probably easier to do this from scratch.

> (Mary) Given that we do indeed finalize this fairly soon, how long will it
> take
> us to translate the existing tests? Mary? [Being done, do we have a date
> this?]
> (Dimitris/Fred) We have Fred who's volounteered to write the documentation
> together with
> me. I look forward to start doing this once we've finalized the schema.
> [Should we coordinate work on a tutorial, Fred?]
> (Dimitris/Curt) We need to look into the resolution/status options for the
> submitted
> tests, eg. by adding a pending option while a test is being investigated
> the DOM WG. Also we should decide on whether we submit through a mailig
> or SF. [Have we dropped the idea to use SourceForge for _issue tracking_?
> not, I should include this to the domconftest. It would also simplify
> packaging, building only with stable tests]
> (Philippe) to create a mailing list. [done]
> (Curt/Mary/Dimitris) Rewrite styelsheets for code generation (Java and
> primarily, others
> welcome) (NIST for the Java one, ECMA open) [Java published, has anyone
> started work on the ECMA one?]

[ca] ECMA one should be a relatively simple derivation from the Java
transform, however I'd like to get the Java implementation running before
starting the ECMAScript.

> (Curt, Dimitris?) Work on the details for test suite packaging  [do we
> more input that what has been on the list already?]
> (Mary/Dimitris) Produce a test matrix [Pending on my comments on HTML]
> (Mary) Produce a list of semantic requirements (Mary, is connected to the
> test
> matrix) [ready by now?]
> Kind regards,
> /Dimitris

Received on Thursday, 5 July 2001 11:06:36 UTC