Re: Need secure Web Socket support for

On 3/31/15 9:18 PM, Michael[tm] Smith wrote:
> +jgraham
> Hi Art, Hi Philippe,
> I’ve talked to James about the wss: support and based on that discussion I
> think the ETA is that we could get the limitation removed within one month.

Ok, thanks for the update. FYI, I filed an Issue for this 

ITMT, it might be useful to review the differences between the September 
2012 CR and Hixie's latest (f.ex. see [1])  v-a-v if the spec should 
return to LC/CR. Any takers? Cindy?



> But maybe James can chime in to let me know if that’s too optimistic.
>    —Mike
> Philippe Le Hegaret <>, 2015-03-27 09:02 -0400:
>> Archived-At: <>
>> I don't think anyone is working on this but I will check,
>> Philippe
>> On March 27, 2015 8:58:22 AM EDT, Arthur Barstow <> wrote:
>>> [ Cc: www-archive ]
>>> Hi PLH, All,
>>> Below is a list of the 41 Web Socket test failures related to what
>>> appears to be a lack of wss: support for the Web Socket test server
>>> running on
>>> Mike said this is a known limitation. Is anyone working on fixing this,
>>> and if so, what is the rough ETA?
>>> -Thanks, AB
>>> <>
>>> * All 41 of these failures have 4 "ERRORS" (Chrome, Canary, FF and IE)
>>> and 1 TIMEOUT (Opera)

Received on Wednesday, 1 April 2015 11:20:46 UTC