Re: request to review HTML WG chairs decision on issue 133

Hi Steve,

I unequivocally support the conclusion that the chairs have communicated to
you, for the reasons they have given to you. I was aware of that conclusion
before it was announced to you and the group -- that is, I was aware of
their conclusion to handle it as a Last Call issue rather than a prec-Last
Call issue -- and I fully agree with that conclusion.

I do recognize that you disagree with that conclusion and that you've asked
me to review it. I have now reviewed it, and have read the other messages
in this thread, and my response is: I believe that Sam, in his messages,
has made the rationale for their conclusion clear, and I agree with that
rationale as it has been stated.

That said, if you want me to pursue this further, than I'll let Philippe
know. But I'd like for you to be clear about what you want. It seems to me
that what you've raised is a point of order and that both the chairs and
myself have reviewed that and found there's been no infraction of the rules
in this case.

However, you've used the word "prejudicial", which seems like quite a
strong word to be using under the circumstances. I'm mot sure what you mean
by it. If you mean that the chairs have been prejudicial by handling it
differently than they would have any point of order raised by any other
member of the group, than I can't say I believe they have been prejudicial
in that way at all. I don't see any evidence at all that the chairs did
anything other than reach a conclusion about this using exactly the same
criteria, in exactly the same manner, that they would have had it been any
other similar request from any other member up the group.


Steve Faulkner <>, 2011-02-01 23:01 +0000:

> hi mike,
> I want to object to the chairs handling of an issue, i believe their
> handling to be prejudicial in nature and not based upon agreed processes.
> the relevant email thread starts here:
> I would appreciate if you could look into this and advise me on the best
> course of action (if any) to have this reviewed

Michael[tm] Smith

Received on Wednesday, 2 February 2011 06:57:03 UTC